Stop the negative feedback loop by focusing on what makes you truly happy. Beyond the interview process, maintaining a positive mindsetmakes you a better candidate for recruiters. Research has found that optimistic employees are 103% more inspiredto give their best effort at work.

If you’re tired of a frustrating job search, how does your experience measure up to Loki’s, the god of mischief? Despite not becoming the king of Asgard, he coped with rejection and worked alongside his brother, Thor. Id also like to add that you should include a personalized cover letter.

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We appreciate your interest in our company but after careful consideration, I am sorry to let you know we have decided on a different candidate that better matched our qualifications. Each industry interview I had, I studied and practiced as if I was preparing for my thesis defense. Sometimes, I never heard back from the employer or even knew if they had seen my application. Each tailored industry resume I wrote kept me glued to the computer for hours. Sometimes I felt like all of my efforts were for nothing. I’m looking to hire for a role or project on behalf of a company. Whatever you do, make sure it’s something you’ll look forward to regularly —having a morale boost will do wonders.

Why is the job search so frustrating?

Job search frustration seems to come with the territory. The lack of response from employers, rejection emails, and interviews that lead nowhere can be unsettling, especially when this happens over and over. It's not a secret that employers love hiring positive people.

Being out of work—or stuck in a job that makes you miserable—would be difficult for anyone. Add in clinical depression, and the hard days can seem even more impossible to get through. It convinces you that you have no skills, no discernable talents, and no worthwhile can’t find job depressed contributions to make to the world. Of course those feelings would have the ability to hinder your job search. But being out of work can also increase a person’s overall risk of depression, according to research published in the Journal of Affective Disorders.

Admission to a mental health institution

Send follow-ups to any jobs you’ve applied to or have interviewed with. If you’re hesitant to network, try the online route first. Join relevant professional groups on LinkedIn or Facebook. And instead of asking for a job, focus on chatting with others and getting to know them. Spend two hours/day browsing for jobs and applying to your top picks. You’ll see what’s out there and won’t miss anything new. A better approach is to block out specific hours in your day to dedicate to different job-hunting tasks.

  • You’ve probably heard the advice to “treat the job search like a job” and this approach can be a good one for your mental health.
  • If you’re not currently working, you may not have a consistent daily schedule, and this lack of routine can make anxiety and job search depression worse.
  • In this way, you start treating your job search like an actual job.
  • Instead, you need to surround yourself with positive people.
  • Are you now ready to defeat your version of Thanos, namely job search depression?
  • The longer you’re unemployed, the more disheartened you may become about your prospects for finding a job that you’re both excited about and know you will enjoy.

Once you’re finished with your work hours for the day, relax, recharge, and put the job search out of your mind, instead of feeling the constant pressure to chase down another opportunity. You’ve probably heard the advice to “treat the job search like a job” and this approach can be a good one for your mental health. If you’re not currently working, you may not have a consistent daily schedule, and this lack of routine can make anxiety and job search depression worse. An easy way to do this is to see what the job ads you’re applying to are looking for. If you’ve been searching for your dream job to no avail, you may be feeling anxiety, pessimism, and depression slowly creeping in.

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In this way, you start treating your job search like an actual job. Saying you’ll apply to 10+ jobs each day isn’t feasible. After all, there may not be that many available if you have a highly specialized skill set. If you’re not having much luck with your job search, it may be time to buckle down and get more serious.

There are ways to navigate the current job market and overcome job search depression. Older workers are valuable, and they have years of experience that’ll ensure they land a job that’s just right for them. As you develop more ways to cope with your situation, you’ll likely find that you’re more motivated and energized to get back into the job search. Before you do, though, be sure to take a minute to assess how you’ve been doing things and decide if there is anything you can do to improve your results. The answer may not be obvious, and if you can’t pinpoint the issue, then it’s worth doing a quick refresh of your application materials and online presence. Ideally, you’ll be able to develop coping techniques that allow you to still job search , but if you need to take a break from the search altogether, that’s perfectly okay. A positive mindset helps you embrace your imperfections despite your job hunting depression.